It is important for someone to know your financial information. The right to privacy is a value with many benefits. Even so, there are times where failing to share information can prove problematic. One such area involves health concerns. If the physician providing you with medical care does not know your medications or your health […]
Cryptocurrency functions differently from traditional money. Much has changed over just the past several decades. Computers can now be taken from one location to another. Phones now do more than simply make phone calls. Asset holdings have even changed as people hold cryptocurrency. According to a recent The Indiana Gazette article titled “Millennial Money: What […]
College students often neglect estate planning. Life is full of transitions. One important time of transition is that from adolescence to adulthood. Corresponding with this transition, young people either move directly to a career or into further education. Regardless the path they take, estate planning if often overlooked. According to a recent Wealth Advisor article […]
Ginger has many health benefits. And I am not referring to the age old question: "Ginger or Mary Ann"? People have used different herbs and spices as home remedies for thousands of years. Some solutions, like the use of garlic to ward off vampires, are purely fictionally. The benefits for other plants are well-documented. According […]
A revocable living trust can protect assets for you and your loved ones. Selecting the right tool for a task is critical. Although one could eat chili with a fork, a spoon is superior. Both deliver food to the mouth, but one would be more efficient given the circumstances. Similarly, estate planning documents should be […]
Aspirin may be overused as a preventative measure for heart attack and stroke. Although the risk of heart attack and stroke is greater for older individuals, they can strike at any time. For those with family histories of these health problems, the fear of suffering from one of these is high. In the past, taking […]
Having an estate plan is foundational to protecting loved ones and assets. People are planners. We plan our routes when driving. We prepare for meetings at work. We develop five- and ten-year plans. According to a recent Digital Journal article titled “What is an Estate Plan and What are its Benefits?,” many people, unfortunately, neglect […]
Celebrities often make headlines for a variety of reasons. However, when they make the news after they have died, that is when we learn of their estate planning mistakes. Most people live their lives in relative anonymity. They go to work, pay their bills, and care for their families with no fanfare. They are remembered […]
Giving bank account access should be carefully considered prior to taking action. As children become adults, they get to know their parents in new ways. Although parents will always be parents and children will always be children, the relationship begins to resemble more of a peer relationship at the functional level. Parental advice becomes less […]
Action can be taken to minimize the effects of the flu. Being sick is no fun as an adult. It involves sick days, getting behind on work, and often family chaos as children and spouse attempt to adjust to a temporarily out-of-commission family member. Even if the member is a child, plans are upended as […]
Commercial solicitations are permitted by the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct but are neither submitted to nor approved by the Missouri Bar or the Supreme Court of Missouri.
Overland Park Estate Planning Attorney Kyle Krull assists clients in Kansas and Missouri with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Charitable Planning, Asset Protection and Business Succession Planning in the greater Kansas City area including Overland Park, Leawood, Olathe, Lenexa, Johnson County Kansas and Jackson County Missouri.
REMEMBER: “The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.” This statement is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri.