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Category: Trust Administration

Summer vacation

Do Not Leave for Summer Vacation without an Estate Plan.

POSTED ON: July 4, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Estate planning documents should be in place before traveling with family or friends for summer vacation.
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preeminent peer rated for highest level of professional excellence 2024

Trust Terms: A Guide to Trust Creation and Distribution

POSTED ON: June 27, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Learn the steps and key terms for trust creation and administration from asset selection to drafting with an attorney to the trustee's financial and administrative obligations.
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What are Current Inheritance Trends?

POSTED ON: April 30, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Recent national surveys provide insights on how inheritance trends impactestate planning strategies.
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How Much Responsibility Does a Trustee Have?

POSTED ON: April 23, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
A trustee is responsible for securing and managing trust assets.
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Can Irrevocable Trusts Provide Protections and Flexibility?

POSTED ON: April 10, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Flexibility in revocable or irrevocable trusts is key to addressing changes in the economy, laws, and family circumstances.
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Can Inheritances Be Protected from Squandering of Young Heirs?

POSTED ON: March 28, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
With proper estate planning, it is possible to protect heirs from squandering large inheritances.
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Legacy planning

What Legacy Planning Steps Should I Take in 2024?

POSTED ON: March 21, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Take action early in 2024 to maximize opportunities for reaching financial and legacy planning goals.
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QTIP Trust

What Role Does a QTIP Trust Play in Estate Planning?

POSTED ON: March 6, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Although QTIP trusts provide both asset preservation and estate tax benefits, working with an experienced estate planning attorney is essential for ensuring this estate planning tool functions properly. 
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Family trust

Why Would Someone Use a Family Trust in Estate Planning?

POSTED ON: February 27, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
A family trust is used to support multiple family members. Not all families are the same. I have seen more than 3,000 enter my office over the last 30 years. Some have close relational bonds. Others are affected by trauma, addiction, and broken relationships. Whatever the story, I see how my clients want to protect […]
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Adding a child to a home deed

Is Adding a Child to a Home Deed Okay?

POSTED ON: February 21, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Adding a child to your home deed can trigger unintended consequences. People tend to choose the easiest option at the moment. Sometimes, selecting this option is harmless, like grabbing the first shirt in your dresser drawer. Other times, it can be the best option for you, like hiring a plumber to fix the sink rather […]
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