Kansas and Missouri Estate Planning Blog

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How to Include Annuities in Your Estate Planning

POSTED ON: July 16, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Annuities can provide tax advantages, income security, and legacy benefits for your heirs.
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Home healthcare shortages

How Do Home Healthcare Shortages Impact Seniors?

POSTED ON: June 6, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Planning for long-term care is a greater challenge as a result of home healthcare shortages.
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Aging in place

How Popular and Possible is Aging in Place?

POSTED ON: May 28, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Strategic planning and preparations can make aging in place a possibility.
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Midlife marriage

What Questions to Ask before a Midlife Marriage?

POSTED ON: May 7, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Getting married in midlife can be more complex financially than getting married directly after graduation.
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How Can I Prevent Protein Deficiency?

POSTED ON: November 15, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Not everyone requires the same amount of protein each day. Protein is a key nutrient for the human body. Although most people attribute this nutrient to meat, it is also found in a variety of plants. Those in the United States of America are not generally at risk of protein deficiency, but it is possible. […]
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Can Reducing Calories Improve Aging?

POSTED ON: November 13, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Minimizing empty calories could improve aging. Calorie consumption has been linked to weight gain and weight loss for decades. No surprises there. Although daily recommendations of nutrients are typically set for a 2,000-calorie diet, some people require more, and others need less. These requirements vary based on factors like age, gender, and activity level. According […]
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Liver damage

Can My Meds Cause Liver Damage?

POSTED ON: October 24, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Some medications can cause liver damage. The liver is a vital organ. Understatement. It serves a key role in filtering toxins from the body. Because the liver metabolizes medications, it has a higher exposure to these substances than other body parts. According to a recent VeryWell Health article titled “Liver Damage from Medication (Drug-Induced Liver […]
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Inherited IRAs

Do Inherited IRAs Have Tax Consequences?

POSTED ON: October 19, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Inherited IRAs can be complicated for heirs. Some assets are simpler to inherit than others. Not too long ago, IRAs were a flexible and desirable asset for estate planning. This is no longer the case. According to a recent yahoo! finance article titled “What Happens When I inherit an Annuity?,” the SECURE Act is responsible for […]
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How Should I Prepare for a Solo Retirement?

POSTED ON: October 12, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Solo retirement requires financial planning. Most people will be single in retirement at one point. Why? Some people live their entire lives single. As married couples age, one spouse typically outlives the other. "Gray divorce" is also growing in prevalence. According to a recent Go Banking Rates article titled "Why Every Woman Needs To Plan […]
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How Can Haircuts Help Detect Cancer?

POSTED ON: October 10, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Regular haircuts can help in detecting skin cancer. Moms and dermatologists tend to be the most vocal when it comes to protecting your skin. How often have you been told to wear sunscreen, a hat, or long-sleeve clothing to protect you from damaging UV rays from the sun? How often did you listen? Skin cancer […]
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