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Category: Elder Law


How Can Caregivers Take a Much-Needed Vacation?

POSTED ON: July 25, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Caregivers for elderly parents must take time to vacation and rest so they can be recharged and capable of providing ongoing care for their loved ones.
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Long-Term Care Insurance

Why Consider Long-Term Care Insurance?

POSTED ON: July 18, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Long-term care insurance helps cover costs of in-home care, assisted living, and nursing homes while protecting savings from being drained quickly from these expenses.
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Financial Fraud

Legal Planning can Help Prevent Elder Abuse

POSTED ON: June 18, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Sometimes the people we trust most can disappoint us. Learn how legal planning and estate tools protect the elderly from abuse and exploitation.
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Home healthcare shortages

How Do Home Healthcare Shortages Impact Seniors?

POSTED ON: June 6, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Planning for long-term care is a greater challenge as a result of home healthcare shortages.
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Aging in place

How Popular and Possible is Aging in Place?

POSTED ON: May 28, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Strategic planning and preparations can make aging in place a possibility.
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Can Reducing Calories Improve Aging?

POSTED ON: November 13, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Minimizing empty calories could improve aging. Calorie consumption has been linked to weight gain and weight loss for decades. No surprises there. Although daily recommendations of nutrients are typically set for a 2,000-calorie diet, some people require more, and others need less. These requirements vary based on factors like age, gender, and activity level. According […]
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Life settlement

What is a Life Settlement?

POSTED ON: October 16, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
A life settlement can provide an alternative return on investment. Life insurance is one way to invest in the future support of your loved ones. At the same time, it can also feel like a financial risk. Some people find they never need their policy and receive little to no return on their investment. According […]
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Care plan

What Is Included in a Family Care Plan?

POSTED ON: September 25, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
A care plan can reduce stress when caring for aging loved ones. Aging often reduces independence. Sometimes, this happens in degrees. Other times, it occurs suddenly. According to a recent Nerd Wallet article titled “Create a Care Plan for Older Parents (or Yourself),” many seniors and their families are woefully unprepared for the level of support aging […]
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What Health Advice does a Centenarian Give?

POSTED ON: September 8, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Health advice from a centenarian can be helpful. After all, that is pretty good street cred. Several factors influence the length of life. An individual cannot control some factors. People are at the mercy of their genes, accidents, and illnesses. Individuals can control other factors. According to a recent Insider article titled “A 101-year-old neurologist who […]
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Generalized weakness

What Causes Generalized Weakness?

POSTED ON: August 14, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Generalized weakness can have numerous causes. Aging changes the body. Ask anyone over 30. A common complaint of folks a few decades beyond age 30 is a sense of feeling weak and tired. Sometimes, this is a result of merely getting older. Other times, the generalized weakness is a symptom of a more serious ailment. […]
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