People have several options to transfer a vehicle. Vehicles can tend to be one of the higher-valued assets people own. This is true whether they have significant monetary value, such as with a Ferrari, or simply hold value as a means to get from point A to point B. Whether your motorized vehicle is a […]
A life estate means the original owner can remain in their home as a life tenant. Estate planning is multifaceted. Although there are many ways to accomplish the transfer of property, not all are equally beneficial for every circumstance. States have their own laws. Families have unique dynamics. People have varying wealth and tax liability. […]
Arthritis can flare up from eating certain foods. I have a number of clients who suffer from arthritis. Several factors can cause inflammation in the body. Sometimes there is an injury to joints, muscles, tendons, or other tissues. Other times, foods can cause inflammation. According to a recent Healthline article titled “Foods and Beverages to Avoid […]
The estate of Jimi Hendrix is facing a lawsuit. Jimi Hendrix is a musical legend. Dying before his 28th birthday, Hendrix left the world with an amazingly unique music collection. Although born in the United States, Jimi Hendrix found his musical home in the United Kingdom. According to a recent Rolling Stone article titled "Jimi […]
Diet and dementia development may be connected. What people eat is essential to their health. Yes, I am a master of the obvious. Foods can provide necessary nutrients as well as calories for sustaining energy levels. Some foods have little to no nutritional value. Many are "processed" foods from a bag or box instead of […]
Legislation may help protect digital assets in estate planning. Most people think of their tangible assets when they prepare to create an estate plan. They know they must make plans for their cars, homes, and family heirlooms. What often gets overlooked are digital assets. According to a recent Kiplinger article titled “How to Tackle Digital […]
Downsizing can take a lot of preparation. Living in one place for any length of time typically comes with an accumulation of stuff. Sometimes, a lot of stuff. This is true whether your child moves back from college after nine months in a dorm or whether you move from a family home you have occupied […]
The lifetime estate tax exemption is set to decrease in 2026. Unless you are a tax accountant, taxes likely confuse and intimate you. Both state and federal lawmakers pass legislation governing what citizens owe the government and for what reasons. These taxes are consistently changing and can be difficult to follow. According to a recent […]
Dying without a last will causes many complications. Death is inevitable. Despite this fact, many people choose to act as if ignoring this fact will somehow alter reality. This denial can reduce uncomfortable thoughts and emotions for a time, but it is not sustainable and can have negative impacts. According to a recent The Wall […]
Estate taxes and inheritance taxes can reduce the wealth left to loved ones. The U.S. government is quite capable of spending money. Understatement? Even money it does not have. And from where does that money originate? Citizens are taxed. A variety of taxes exist at the local, state, and federal levels. People are taxed on […]
Commercial solicitations are permitted by the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct but are neither submitted to nor approved by the Missouri Bar or the Supreme Court of Missouri.
Overland Park Estate Planning Attorney Kyle Krull assists clients in Kansas and Missouri with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Charitable Planning, Asset Protection and Business Succession Planning in the greater Kansas City area including Overland Park, Leawood, Olathe, Lenexa, Johnson County Kansas and Jackson County Missouri.
REMEMBER: “The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.” This statement is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri.