Kansas and Missouri Estate Planning Blog

Home » Gifting

How to Include Annuities in Your Estate Planning

POSTED ON: July 16, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Annuities can provide tax advantages, income security, and legacy benefits for your heirs.
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Legacy planning

What Legacy Planning Steps Should I Take in 2024?

POSTED ON: March 21, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Take action early in 2024 to maximize opportunities for reaching financial and legacy planning goals.
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Tax exclusions

What Should I Know about Gift Tax Exclusions in 2024?

POSTED ON: March 7, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Estate planning and tax planning actions should be taken now to maximize tax benefits of wealth transfer.
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Adding a child to a home deed

Is Adding a Child to a Home Deed Okay?

POSTED ON: February 21, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Adding a child to your home deed can trigger unintended consequences. People tend to choose the easiest option at the moment. Sometimes, selecting this option is harmless, like grabbing the first shirt in your dresser drawer. Other times, it can be the best option for you, like hiring a plumber to fix the sink rather […]
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Transfer property

How Do I Transfer Property Efficiently?

POSTED ON: February 15, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
People must transfer property to others when they die. All humans come into this world with nothing of their own. Toys, clothes, and food are provided to them by their parents or gifted by other family and friends. As individuals go through life, they may purchase a vehicle, a home, furniture, jewelry, and art. Bank […]
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Endowed Scholarships

How Are Endowed Scholarships Created and Maintained?

POSTED ON: February 13, 2024 BY: Kyle Krull
Endowed scholarships can benefit your estate and hard-working students. Scholarships are beneficial in paying for higher education. Unlike student loans, these do not need to be paid back. Whether they are awarded for academic achievement, athletic prowess, or a specific heritage or area of interest, scholarship awards reduce the financial burden of pursuing a degree. […]
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Can Taxes Be Reduced with Estate Planning?

POSTED ON: November 2, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Taxes should be considered when making wealth transfers. Nobody knows the number of their days. Although people can die at any time from illness, injury, or accident, older individuals are at greater risk as a result of declining health associated with aging. Seniors cannot afford to neglect incapacity and estate planning. According to a recent […]
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Bank accounts

How are Bank Accounts Inherited?

POSTED ON: August 11, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Bank accounts do not have to pass through probate. With most actions in life, there is typically an easy and a hard way to accomplish the same task. Although one can hand wash every plate, bowl, fork, knife, and spoon after dinner, it is more efficient to simply load and run a dishwasher. Sometimes easy […]
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"Home Deed"

Should I Add My Adult Child to My Home Deed?

POSTED ON: July 6, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Your home deed represents one of your most valuable assets. Some people add the name of an adult child to the title of their home deed. Why? For probate avoidance. Since children tend to outlive their parents, this seems a simple solution. Not so fast. As with much of life, what appears simple on the […]
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Can My Giving Trigger Gift Taxes?

POSTED ON: June 28, 2023 BY: Kyle Krull
Both methods and amounts of giving impact taxes. What comes to mind when you think of gifting? Do you imagine weddings, birthdays, and graduation? Chances are you did not think of taxes. According to a recent My Edmonds News article titled “Excess gift giving could cause a tax surprise,” gifting without strategy or thoughtfulness can lead to […]
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