Estate planning should include preparations for digital assets. I know, I know ... can I take a break from all of these posts about estate planning for digital assets? I mean, "Kyle, it seems like you have a post about digital assets every week!" Well, there is good reason for that. At its foundation, estate […]
An updated estate plan ensures your assets are distributed to desired heirs and much more. The world we live in requires constant updates. Understatement, yes? Phones, computers, and apps make changes and improvements to their systems. Often failing to update operating systems means your device loses functionality and security. According to a recent CNBC article […]
Probate is how the government oversees estate settlement. Most Americans do not understand probate. They have read news articles about celebrity estate battles or have heard stories from friends about the challenges they have faced. Stories like these often lead to people to feel fear and dread about the future of their own assets. According […]
Mobility and independence decrease with age. No surprising revelation there. People often take their mobility for granted. They walk up and down stairs in their homes and workplaces with little thought given to how their bodies allow them to perform such functions. In many instances, people are not grateful for their ability to independently move […]
Kidney stones can be incredible painful. More on that in a moment. Have you noticed that I include posts about non-estate planning matters on this blog? Even I need a break from thinking about estate planning, having prepared some 3,000 plus plans. So, thank you for bearing with me, from time to time, as I […]
Digital assets are relatively easy to accumulate and overlook. With the rise of technology, people do not have to plan in advance like they once did! Forgot to defrost chicken for dinner? No problem. You can order a meal on your phone and pick it up in minutes (or have it delivered to your door)! […]
Bad joints are common with aging. Things wear out over time and with use. This is true of brake pads on cars and batteries in devices. It is also is true of the human body. According to a recent AARP article titled “The 6 Worst Habits for Your Joints,” joints tend to be one area […]
A living trust can be good for your home and other assets. The last will and testament is the most commonly recognized estate planning document. It is certainly important to have a last will and testament for nominating guardians and distributing assets through probate. Some people find this document sufficient to meet their estate planning […]
A letter of intent allows parents to communicate wishes for their children. Becoming a parent means your life is filled with more joy and love than you could have ever imagined possible. Being a parent also brings greater responsibility and more worries. By the way, you never stop being a parent once you become one. […]
Distributing assets through probate is more complicated without an updated last will and testament. Many things should be accomplished within a specific window of time. Winter wheat must be planted in the fall and harvested in the summer. Health insurance must be renewed or plans changed during open enrollment. Estate planning documents should be created […]
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Overland Park Estate Planning Attorney Kyle Krull assists clients in Kansas and Missouri with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Charitable Planning, Asset Protection and Business Succession Planning in the greater Kansas City area including Overland Park, Leawood, Olathe, Lenexa, Johnson County Kansas and Jackson County Missouri.
REMEMBER: “The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.” This statement is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri.