Recovering from surgery is neither quick nor easy. Bodies break down over time. Some people are more prone to genetic degeneration of joints, tendons, or organs. Others experience physical issues through illness or injury. In some instances, surgery is required to improve mobility or even sustain life. According to a recent Seasons article titled “How […]
A Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of many health problems. When most people think of the Mediterranean they envision beautiful beaches, shimmering water, and a more relaxed pace of life. While they are not wrong, there is also rich agriculture and dining. The fresh ingredients of the region make for delicious meals. According to […]
Burnout is high for caregivers. Very high. As people age, they often require assistance. Those with family nearby rely on loved ones to provide support. Roles and responsibilities of caregivers are numerous, too numerous to list here. According to a recent Health Hive article titled “Preventing Caregiver Burnout,” older adults can need help with anything […]
Long-term care insurance can have tax benefits. Spoiler alert for those who are young right now. Health declines with age. Through exercising and eating a nutritious diet, people can often delay the onset of age-related health problems. Even so, these issues cannot be avoided forever. According to a recent Smart Asset article titled “Is Long-Term […]
An Apple AirTag can help keep track of items and people. Apple has become a prominent tech company since its founding. Understatement. Whatever you think of the company, there is no denying its innovative bent. Although it started as a computer company, its work and reach has expanded to other areas. Apple revolutionized the music […]
Scammers may be targeting Medicare billing. Some people have little to no empathy for others. Rather than working to provide value to others, these individuals often steal and manipulate to steal the hard-earned savings of others. These people are called thieves, robbers, con artists, scammers, and frauds. According to a recent Money Talks News article […]
Certain social habits may demonstrate a greater risk of dementia. Relationships are important. A strong family can provide security, love, encouragement, and trust. Good friends choose to spend time with you and be a part of your life in the good and bad times. In short, people of all ages need to be in relationship […]
Choosing a nursing home requires thoughtfulness and thoroughness. As loved ones age, they may lose independence in an instant. Whether through a fall or as the result of an illness, loved ones who enter a hospital may need more care than you can provide when they are released. In these situations, a nursing home or […]
Many scams involve the guise of tech support. Technology is a significant part of our lives. <understatement?> Unfortunately, technology is not always reliable and can easily malfunction. <understatement!> As a result, many Americans rely on the services of tech support to fix this issues. According to a recent Kiplinger article titled “Tech Support Fraud Targets […]
How well a person can balance may be a health indicator. Falls can cause injury at any age. When younger, damage is often minor. It includes bruises, scrapes, and a little embarrassment. For seniors, losing balance can lead to broken bones and dangerous head injuries. According to a recent The New York Times article titled […]
Commercial solicitations are permitted by the Missouri Rules of Professional Conduct but are neither submitted to nor approved by the Missouri Bar or the Supreme Court of Missouri.
Overland Park Estate Planning Attorney Kyle Krull assists clients in Kansas and Missouri with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Charitable Planning, Asset Protection and Business Succession Planning in the greater Kansas City area including Overland Park, Leawood, Olathe, Lenexa, Johnson County Kansas and Jackson County Missouri.
REMEMBER: “The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.” This statement is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri.