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Worried About Amending Your Estate Plan?

POSTED ON: October 29, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
Thanks to "entropy" (the Second Law of Thermodynamics), everything in creation requires an "amendment" from time to time. Surprise. This very law applies to estate plans, too. You have an estate plan in place. You worked with an estate planning attorney. It met all of your needs to protect everyone your love and everything you […]
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Worried About "Inheritance" Taxes?

POSTED ON: October 24, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
Inheritances can trigger taxes. Your loved one passed away. You are mourning the loss. You are coordinating the funeral, visitation, and other family gatherings. The last thing you want to think about is taxes. According to a recent Investopedia article titled “Are Estate Distributions Taxable?,” it is important to understand tax implications if you are […]
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Why Should I Consider Lifetime Giving?

POSTED ON: October 23, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
Lifetime giving can have estate planning benefits. In just a week, it will be Halloween. Children will be dressed in costumes to go trick-or-treating with parents. Adults will leave their house lights on to give candy to these little visitors. In fact, the last three months of the year carry with them a uniquely “giving” […]
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Estate Planning for College Students?

POSTED ON: October 22, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
College students need estate planning. Why? College can be a vulnerable time. These young adults are responsible for themselves—many for the first time. They must get to classes, make food, do laundry, set their alarms, and manage their own time without their parents. Oftentimes parents are feel unable to help or are unsure how to […]
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How Do I Set Up a Living Trust?

POSTED ON: October 21, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
A living trust is a useful tool. Your estate plan needs a trust. Perhaps this is because you need to avoid an estate tax, whether at the state or the federal level. Maybe you have irresponsible heirs or heirs who are minors. Perhaps you simply want to avoid probate. According the a recent Yahoo! Finance […]
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Is Long-Term Care Insurance Expensive?

POSTED ON: October 18, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
Answer: Not having this long-term care coverage can be far more expensive than having it. Why? Life is unpredictable. You cannot know whether you will die young or old. There is no predicting how quickly your body will fail as you age. In short, there are no certainties when it comes to the aging process. […]
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Is DIY Estate Planning a Good Idea?

POSTED ON: October 17, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
DIY estate planning can be expensive. You have heard the words "estate plan" from family and friends. They advise you to get one. You reached out to a few attorneys and were overwhelmed by sticker shock. You then researched estate planning articles online. It looks simple enough. Surely, you can do-it-yourself. According to a recent […]
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Am I Too Young for Estate Planning?

POSTED ON: October 16, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
Estate planning is for the young? No, really. Mortality is often the farthest thing from the minds of young people. They are busy getting degrees, starting careers, and growing families. Estate planning can wait. According to a recent The Cleveland Jewish News article titled “Younger generations should focus on estate planning, too,” delaying such preparations […]
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How Do I Find an Estate Planning Attorney?

POSTED ON: October 16, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
Choosing the right estate planning attorney is essential. You know you need an estate plan. It is the critical for your the success of your comprehensive financial plan and the well-being of your family. According to a recent Next Avenue article titled “How to Find a Good Estate Planner,” you need to do more than simply […]
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Do I Really Need a Will in My Estate Plan?

POSTED ON: October 15, 2019 BY: Kyle Krull
A last will and testament is a necessary requirement for most estate plans. You know you need a plan for asset transfer when you die. You do not want to create a will. After all, surely there are cheaper ways to do this than engaging the assistance of an estate planning attorney. Right? According to […]
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