Living safely at home may be possible for many seniors.
Aging comes with an increase in ailments.
As people get older, their bodies decline cognitively and physically.
For some, this can be a rapid onset.
For others, the decline can be slower.
According to a recent article titled “Caring for Elderly Parents: Can They Live Safely at Home?,” most seniors prefer to live at home rather than in an institution.
You parents may need a helping hand if their goal is living safely at home as the age.
This goal may be achievable for some.
Taking early steps may help you set up your parents for living safely at home.
While your parents may be able to live relatively independent lives, they will likely require some assistance from adult children.
Caregiving responsibilities may increase over the years.
Start by talking with your parents now about potential problems and how they may be proactively avoided or minimized.
What specifics should you consider?
Living environment.
Injuries are common in the elderly.
Poor lighting, slick floors, and sharp corners can be obstacles to your parents living safely at home.
Make renovations now to minimize the risk of falls.
Incapacity and diminished cognitive abilities can threaten financial security.
Ask your parents if they have created an estate plan.
With the proper documents in place they can protect the surviving spouse and allow for finances to be managed if they are unable to do so themselves.
If you are the selected agent, ask them to explain their income sources, assets, debts, and medical coverage.
Mental and physical health.
To take care of your parents, you should start by keeping track of any changes in mental or physical health.
If you have the authority to talk to the physicians treating your parents, then you should request information on medications and vaccinations.
Monitoring possible side effects and making sure prescriptions are taken according to instructions are important to promoting health and wellness.
Family assistance.
If you are the only adult child, you may be the sole individual responsible for parents living safely in retirement.
If you have siblings, you should frankly talk about how you can work together to provide care for your aging parents.
Those who live close may be more “hands on” in their involvement.
Those who live farther away may provide financial assistance.
In some instances, professionals may be hired for assistance with daily living.
This can include bathing, toileting, grooming, meal preparation, housekeeping, medication reminders, transportation, and exercise assistance.
It is natural for adult children to worry about their parents as they age.
Taking these steps will minimize your concerns about your parents living safely at home.
Reference: (Nov. 11, 2020) “Caring for Elderly Parents: Can They Live Safely at Home?”
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