Leaving money to charity can bless others for a long time.
Recently, a Rock Island, Illinois resident passed away.
At the age of 93, Rosemary Woodard was not famous.
In fact, she lived a life serving others as a nurse.
She also lived a life of charity and generosity when it came to her community.
According to a recent The Quad City Times article titled “Nurse's bequest leaves $2.1 million to aid Rock Island County nonprofits,” Woodard continued to help others as her death as in her life.
Leaving money to charity can be accomplished through your estate plan.
How so?
Rosemary bequeathed a gift of $2.1 million from her estate to the Rock Island Community Foundation.
During her life, Rosemary attended Trinity Lutheran Church.
Her love of gardening led to her gift of time to the Quad City Botanical Center in Rock Island and the Rock Island County Historical Foundation.
She used her skills as a nurse to volunteer with the Red Cross for about 50 years.
Although married, then widowed after the death by her husband, Rosemary had no children.
When she passed she chose to continue her legacy of helping others.
Five percent of her gift will be annually distributed among eight charitable organizations.
The groups are eligible to apply each year.
In fact, the charitable bequest from Rosemary doubled the assets held by the Rock Island Community Foundation since it was founded in 1967.
Do you want to continue a legacy of serving others like Rosemary Woodard?
Consider leaving money to charity as a part of your estate plan.
Reference: Quad City Times (Jan. 15, 2020) “Nurse's bequest leaves $2.1 million to aid Rock Island County nonprofits”
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