Your life insurance policy could help you through financial hardship. The economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced. Perhaps you or your spouse are among them. You anxiously review your bank account and your bills. You wonder how you will make ends […]
It is easy to make Social Security mistakes. Planning financially for retirement can feel overwhelming. You have been saving for years, but you know every little bit helps. Although Social Security will be insufficient to cover all of your expenses, it can supplement your savings. According to a recent Fox News article titled “These mistakes […]
You could save money on your Medicare plan with appropriate planning. The start of autumn means Medicare open enrollment is drawing near. If you are currently enrolled in Medicare, you are likely aware of this fact. In fact, you have likely received an “annual notice of change” from your Medicare plan. According to a recent […]
Paying for nursing home care may consume all of your savings. There are many physical ailments associated with aging. As we get older, our bodies wear out. Although some individuals can live independently for a time or have family caretakers, many seniors will require some form of long-term care outside the home setting. According to […]
Each life stage has unique estate planning needs. Are you young and single? Perhaps you were at one point but are now married with young children. In each stage of life, you are still you. Although this is true, your goals and your circumstances change drastically. According to a recent The News-Enterprise article titled “Life […]
Retirement brings change and involves planning. You are getting older. As a result, retirement is getting closer. Although you could choose to ignore this fact, doing so may cost you in the long run. According to a recent Forbes article titled “5 Crucial Planning Steps To Take Before You Retire,” planning for retirement can remove […]
Long-term care insurance will not be reformed, at least by federal government edict. The numbers are sobering when it comes to the likelihood of needing long-term care. It is well worth your time to read an in-depth study on this subject from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Spoiler alert: the risk of […]
Reverse mortgages are not the only option for getting available cash out of your home equity. Your are at least 62 years old. This means you are eligible to apply for a reverse mortgage. Reverse mortgages allow you to borrow against your home equity to receive a line of credit, monthly payments, or a combination […]
The proposed HEALS Act impacts Medicare in 2021. You are a citizen of the United States of America. What happens in Washington D.C. affects you. As such, it is good to be informed when it comes to new legislation. This is especially true with decisions regarding Social Security or health care. According to a recent […]
There are certain reasons to come out of retirement. You are recently retired. Adjustments are challenging. You are enjoying the change of pace, but you still have concerns about time, money, and meaning. You wonder whether you will need to come out of retirement in the future. According to a recent MoneyTalksNews article titled “8 Signs […]
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Overland Park Estate Planning Attorney Kyle Krull assists clients in Kansas and Missouri with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Charitable Planning, Asset Protection and Business Succession Planning in the greater Kansas City area including Overland Park, Leawood, Olathe, Lenexa, Johnson County Kansas and Jackson County Missouri.
REMEMBER: “The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.” This statement is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Missouri.