He is risen. He is risen indeed! Alleluia.
Christians throughout the world have exchanged, are exchanging, and will exchange this greeting with one another today.
It is Easter Sunday.
We celebrate and remember the empty tomb that could not contain the resurrected Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah who came to free all mankind from sin so each and every believer might live with Him forever.
Can you beat that?
But what must you do to "earn" that forgiveness and eternal life?
Happy Easter! He is risen, indeed! Alelluia!
There is no "earning" a gift.
Every man, woman, boy, and girl born on this planet is eligible for this gift.
Cool, or what?
No education, income, race, or nationality has an exclusive lock on this gift.
Spoiler alert.
This Jesus has "exclusivity" on this gift of eternal life.
No other "way" will get you there.
As recorded in Luke 14:6, "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."
Much has been written and said about Jesus by a wide variety of folks, whether skeptics or believers, since His death and resurrection around 33 A.D.
Just run a search for "Jesus" on the internet to confirm this.
So, what will you do with this Jesus?
Is He a liar, lunatic, or Lord?
Wishing you and yours a most blessed Easter,
PS - Click here to watch the Easter Service at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Pastor Priem's meditation begins at the 40:15 mark.
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