An end-of-life checklist can help you accomplish your goals.
Very few people think about end-of-life issues.
No, really.
In fact, even fewer people plan for them.
Be one of the few.
According a recent Maricopa article titled “Make an end-of-life checklist,” taking time to outline and organize your affairs will help you in the long-term.
Start your end-of-life checklist today.
How do you do this?
Start by making a list.
Include all of your assets and important personal information.
An experienced estate planning attorney can guide you in this process.
Your attorney can create estate planning documents to meet your needs and goals.
To create your plan, your attorney will need to know your name, birthday, and Social Security number.
You will also need to know the location of important legal documents and other items.
Start rounding up your birth certificate, marriage license, any military paperwork, ID cards, insurance cards, keys, and burial details.
What else needs to go on your checklist?
You need to name an executor of your last will and testament, then provide this trusted individual with the location of your estate plan and the contact information for your advisors.
The executor is responsible for carrying our your wishes.
Next, be sure to discuss your plans with your family.
These conversations are not easy.
They are necessary.
Tell your family and power of attorney agents about your income sources.
List the details for your retirement accounts, pension plans, 401(k) or 403(b).
Include the name and contact information for the company, account numbers, payment dates, location of documents, and method of receipt.
If you have health issues, you should also provide information on medical equipment and medicine locations.
Double check the locations for titles and deed, credit cards, powers of attorney, trust documents, loans, mortgages, insurance, and bank documents.
Remember to include contact information.
Finally, have a hard copy of online passwords and keep it in a secure place to be accessed by your loved ones to monitor accounts.
Once you have completed this end-of-life checklist, place it in a safe to keep it secure.
Oh, by the way, make sure the folks who will need this information know where to find it.
Reference: In Maricopa (Feb. 14, 2020) “Make an end-of-life checklist”
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